Name: Sheila
Position: Surgical Technologist - FA
Ministry: St. Clare Memorial Hospital – Oconto Falls
LiveWELL Point Balance: 5,736 as of 7/25/18
My favorite challenge so far has been the step challenge. I've really enjoyed LiveWELL because it came at a time in my life I was struggling with the "whys" of life. My son had just passed away from melanoma, and I was struggling with losing my son, sadness and depression. When Tyler got sick I was in the middle for training for a half marathon and was up to 9 miles with no problem. March 17th, 2017...that came to a halt. Months went by without being able to find time or motivation to put my running shoes back on. After returning to work in October, I started LiveWELL and completed the proposed challenges. With the help of my monthly discussions with Danielle, Prevea health coaching, I was able to focus on my health and the benefits of this program. Losing a loved one is a constant struggle to face the day without them, but LiveWELL has helped me find the tools I needed to focus on my health and happiness. I believe this program has made a huge impact on me, and if I can find the motivation to hit the pavement, anyone can!! You just have to find your "sunshine", and LiveWELL has helped me do so. Thank you!!!
Name: Kathy
Position: Clerical Support Associate
Ministry: HSHS St. John’s Hospital - Springfield
LiveWELL Point Balance: 5,520 as of 7/11/18
My favorite challenge is the 10,000 steps. My husband loves hiking, mountain climbing and anything to do with the outdoors. To me it was always very bothersome that he wanted me to go with him and participate. The only hiking I wanted to do involved the closest shopping mall. When I first started LiveWELL it was just to get the discount. But now I have more energy and I feel better. Now I am the one who wants to go hiking and mountain climbing. It has brought us closer, not just in our marriage but with all my children. I bought all my daughters a fitbit and we enjoy all the challenges on the fitbit app.
Name: Dustin
Position: Athletic Trainer
Ministry: HSHS St. Mary’s Hospital – Decatur, IL
LiveWELL Point Balance: 4,041 as of 7/11/18
The Daily Steps challenge has been my favorite so far. It challenges me to make the goals set forth; I look at my watch and note if I need to take a few minutes to get steps in. I have utilized my “breaks” to get some beneficial steps in. I used it initially to save some money on my insurance but now I use it to promote my wellbeing as well as propel myself in my weight loss challenge (I lost 25 lbs. in 14 weeks). Now I will use it to maintain my gains (losses) and try another personal challenge. Pictured is my inspiration – Family!!!
Name: Lisa
Position: Facilitator
Ministry: HSHS St. Anthony’s Hospital - Effingham
LiveWELL Point Balance: 2,821 as of 7/11/18
My favorite LiveWELL challenges so far have been “Stretch your Back” exercises and “Commit to Successful Habits.” I have enjoyed LiveWELL because I feel like it is my accountability partner. There are so many times that I do what I should because I remember that in order to collect my points I need to do it daily, from financial and successful habits to eating healthy, exercise and sleep. It has helped me focus on ME. It is so easy to use and having the app to login and track is beneficial too.
Name: Georgia
Position: Executive Director Cancer Services
Ministry: HSHS Sacred Heart Hospital, Eau Claire, WI
LiveWELL Point Balance: I currently have 4,931 points as of 7/11/2018 and I am hoping to hit the 5,000 mark before the end of July.
I would say that journaling and using exercise to deal with stress were the most valuable LiveWELL challenges to me so far. Our cancer program has been undergoing many changes and having the LiveWELL program has helped me stay healthy and focused to support my team. As an older colleague, I wanted to be healthy enough to enjoy my retirement years. Working in the hospital, my dietary habits, as well as any effort at an exercise regimen, had been pushed to the side because I was "too busy" or "too tired." LiveWELL has helped me see that there is always time to incorporate exercise into my day, and that getting fit has helped me have more energy and feel less tired.
Name: Jenae
Position: Radiologic Technologist
Ministry: St. Joseph’s Hospital – Breese, IL
LiveWELL Point Balance: 4,913 as of 7/12/18
My favorite LiveWELL challenge so far has been the "pause and be refreshed" challenge. I have enjoyed LiveWELL because it has made me be more aware of certain things, that if done can better my health. For example, it has made me be more aware of what I eat, how many steps I’m taking or something as simple as just taking a deep breath, clearing my mind, moving forward with my day and feeling refreshed. LiveWELL has changed my lifestyle for the better and I plan not only to strive but thrive!!
Name: Roger
Position: Technical Analyst III
Ministry: HSHS ISC – located at Prevea
LiveWELL Point Balance: 4,315 as of 7/11/18
I like the step challenge. It has motivated me to keep working out, keep running and to keep moving. I also like encouraging others. This program keeps me fired up when trying to fire up others. When I first started, my blood work and biometric results were fair at best. I was well into the obese category, my cholesterol was climbing. Every indicator was pointing in the wrong direction. I started because I didn't want to have to stop half way up my stairs to catch my breath. I needed this program to give me a little shove in the right direction. When I started I was 281lbs, I couldn't run 50 yards, let alone a mile. That was December 2017, since then I have monitored my food intake to eat less, but also eat better, I work out nearly every day for at least an hour. I recently paid to have my blood work and body measurements retaken. In 5 months I have lost 44lbs, 7 inches off my waist, my BMI dropped 7 points and I can run a mile! I ran a 5K race in Seymour and took 1st for my age group; I am entered in the Bellin and the Tough Mudder races coming up. Weekly I am running/walking nearly 10 miles at least once a week and daily running 3.1 miles. LiveWELL has really motivated me to be better, to live better. To encourage others and push myself to be better, not just at running or fitness, but at life in general. Update as of 7/11/18 - I am now down 49lbs and I ran the Bellin in 1hr and 46 seconds at an average pace of 9:47 per mile. Another really important thing that I forgot to mention is that in dropping the weight and eating better I have been able to get off acid reflux meds!
Name: Kayla
Position: Director – Record Compliance
Ministry: HSHS St. Elizabeth's Hospital – O’Fallon
LiveWELL Point Balance: 2,902 as of 7/14/18
My favorite LiveWELL challenge so far has been the Prevea Health Coach. I have enjoyed LiveWELL because I want to be healthy and begin making better lifestyle choices. The Prevea Health Coach through LiveWELL put me one step closer to that goal. I decided to have real dialogue with her and make application of the changes she suggested. They were all very practical for me and the follow-up conversations helped with holding me accountable.
Name: Nikki
Position: VP – Revenue Cycle
Ministry: Hospital Sisters Health System – Springfield, IL
LiveWELL Point Balance: 5,901 as of 7/17/18
My favorite LiveWELL challenge so far has been the Daily Step Tracking (10,000/day). I enjoy this program because it gives me a sense of accountability. When you put it down somewhere you realize what choices you make about your health. Some days you're disappointed but more often than not, you do well since you know others can see and you want to reach your goals.
Name: Janet
Position: Switchboard Operator
Ministry: Prairie Cardiovascular Consultants
LiveWELL Point Balance: 4,579 as of 7/22/18
My favorite part of LiveWELL has been my telephone meetings with Callie, my health coach. She has given very good advice and having her support on my weight loss journey has been invaluable! The challenges have helped me stay focused on my weight loss and have challenged me to go further with regaining my health by getting more sleep and exercising. I used to sleep 4-5 hours per night but since joining the LiveWELL program I now sleep 7 1/2 - 8 hours every night and feel so much better! Doing the stretches every morning has helped with my joint pain and also helps me stay more focused on my work. Pictured are me and my daughter while we were visiting Niagara Falls last month. Thanks to the improvements in my health since joining LiveWELL I was able to travel to 14 states in 14 days which included a lot of walking & even climbing to the top of a 12 1/2 story lighthouse!
Name: Simone
Position: Director, Operations
Ministry: HSHS Medical Group
LiveWELL Point Balance: 5948 as of 7/23/18
My favorite LiveWELL challenge so far has been cheering someone on. This challenge focuses on stopping to think about others and hopefully lifting someone up. I am amazed how a kind word and/or gesture can assist others to create a positive outlook on a situation, versus staying in a negative place. I focus on finding someone who isn't having the best day and listening to what is upsetting them. If you take time to truly “listen”, it is amazing what you will hear. God has given us the ability to help one another and to be present. Stopping to say hello or giving a hug can completely change a situation for someone who is hurting. Life is difficult and we all want to know we are appreciated and valued. Being grateful for what we have is showing humility and kindness which is our core value. Passing on kindness is a habit that I treasure and will carry forward in my daily walk of life!!
“Let there be kindness in your face, in your eyes, in your smile, in the warmth of your greeting…Don’t only give your care, but give your heart as well.” Mother Teresa
Name: Ricky
Position: Patient Accounts Collector
Ministry: HSHS Sacred Heart Hospital, Eau Claire
LiveWELL Point Balance: 3,739 as of 7/23/2018
My favorite LiveWELL challenge so far has been eating healthier. The first challenge that had us eating healthier meals with fruit & vegetables is something we should all do. Having to push on a button every day would remind me to do that as often as possible.