Accident Insurance provides a set benefit amount based on the type of injury you have and the type of treatment you need. It covers accidents that occur on and off the job. And it includes a range of incidents, from common injuries to more serious events.
Why is this coverage so valuable? It can help you with out-of-pocket costs that your medical plan doesn’t cover, like co-pays and deductibles. You’ll have base coverage without medical underwriting. The cost is conveniently deducted from your paycheck. You can keep your coverage if you change jobs or retire. You’ll be billed directly.
Who can get coverage? You: If you’re actively at work* Your spouse: Can get coverage as long as you have purchased coverage for yourself. Your children: Dependent children from birth until their 26th birthday, regardless of marital or student status. What’s included? Be Well Benefit
If you’re diagnosed with an illness that is covered by this insurance, you can receive a lump sum benefit payment. You can use the money however you want.
Why is this coverage so valuable?
What's covered?
Please refer to the certificate for complete definitions of these covered conditions. Coverage may vary by state. See exclusions and limitations.
Why should I buy coverage now?
Who can get coverage?
Be Well Benefit
Group Hospital Insurance helps covered employees and their families cope with the financial impacts of a hospitalization. You can receive benefits when you’re admitted to the hospital for a covered accident, illness or childbirth.
Who can get coverage? You: If you’re actively at work* Your spouse: Can get coverage as long as you have purchased coverage for yourself. Your children: Dependent children from birth until their 26th birthday, regardless of marital or student status.
How much does it cost?