Name: Rebecca
Position: Certified Nurse Assistant
Ministry: St. Vincent’s Hospital – Green Bay
LiveWELL Point Balance: 5,466 as of 8/17/18
My favorite challenge so far has been Feet Up and Breathe. LiveWELL has reminded me on very stressful days to take time for myself. That while taking care of others we still need to take care of ourselves.
Picture of my daughter and me at the top of a volcano in Hawaii. We had over 18,000 steps in that day.
Name: Stacy
Position: Physical Therapist
Ministry: St. Nicholas Hospital – Sheboygan
LiveWELL Point Balance: 6,157 as of 8/17/2018
My favorite challenge is keeping track of my steps. I have always been active - running and walking my dogs and had no idea exactly how far and how many steps I take in a day. I’ve found that I have many more steps/miles than I thought. The LiveWELL challenges offered to eat well, keep track of sleep, etc. have made me more self-aware of my choices. I am a faithful exerciser but the program has helped me be more cognizant of my diet and sleep habits.
Name: Brooke
Position: Clinical Dietitian
Ministry: St. Anthony’s Hospital – Effingham
LiveWELL Point Balance: 3,362 as of 8/29/2018
The Stretch Your Back challenge has been my favorite so far. I have chronically misaligned hips and a LONG history of back pain. I am not always diligent with stretching after I work out (or at all to be honest). This challenge saw me entering TWO mobility challenges with a DPT and made it a focus to dedicate 10-15 minutes/day to stretching. I take the time to stand up and step away from my desk as I know 8 hours staring at a computer screen is no good for any part of me. When I don't partake in my stretches it definitely effects my day, both physically and mentally. My back may never be in tip-top shape but I definitely don't experience the daily pain anymore, it's much more infrequent now. I started this for the points and insurance incentive but now it's thankfully just habit and part of my daily routine.
Since the LiveWell Challenge ended I have invested in a new foam roller and participated in two more mobility challenges as well as a 30-day yoga challenge. It's important to me to stay on top of my spine health, we only get one!
Name: Katy
Position: Inventory Technician
Ministry: Sacred Heart Hospital – Eau Claire
LiveWELL Point Balance: 6,150 as of 8/22/2018
I love all of the LiveWELL challenges. I've been trying to incorporate healthy habits into my life for over 4 years now and it’s nice to have a place to track them and see how far I've come.
I have made it my goal to live a healthier and happier life. I've changed my eating habits. I am more consistent with my workouts. It has been wonderful. I have more energy and I am more positive in my outlook on life. Putting it all together; the healthy eating, consistent exercise, and mindfulness meditation; has finally given me the life that I have always wanted.
Name: Sarah
Position: Manager – Information Systems
Ministry: HSHS - Information Service Center
LiveWELL Point Balance:
I have enjoyed the Step Challenge the most. My role at HSHS involves a lot of sitting on conference calls, rarely moving from my desk for 9+ hours a day. This has certainly taken a toll on my health, I feel weaker and a bit out of sorts. My 10 year old son shared with me that "sitting is the new smoking, mom...I'm worried about you." His concern was touching, I considered myself pretty active because I don't watch tv and enjoy being outside whenever I can be. However I've learned the large blocks of inactivity in my day are still damaging to my health; we often encourage our kids to be active and he turned the tables asking me to be. I was inspired to buy a Fitbit Versa tracker that is helping me MOVE more often with friendly reminders throughout the day – challenging me to come up with creative ways I can get my heart rate up and steps in...even from my desk. I’m feeling better and it’s a nice challenge for me to work toward each day, though I admit it’s a work in progress! Thank you for the opportunity HSHS - my kids wish they could participate too!
Pictured is my son Noah, who shared “sitting is the new smoking” and asked me to move more. Both of my kids motivate me to set a good example!